ACT Project

Active Citizens Together Project (ACT)
The Strategic Migration Partnership’s ‘Active Citizens Together’ (ACT) Project was funded by the European Commission from October 2015 until September 2017 to encourage and support Mobile European Citizens across the East of England to engage in civic and community life, and to recognise and exercise their voting rights.
Since the project began in October 2015, the ACT team, in partnership with local community groups and statutory agencies has developed workshops for European Citizens exploring active citizenship across the East of England. Workshops have taken place in Bedford; Cambridge; Colchester; Great Yarmouth; Harlow; Hatfield; Ipswich; Kings Lynn; Luton; Norwich; Peterborough; Thetford; Thurrock; Watford and Wisbech.
Resources developed as part of this unique project have been used by team members to run interactive workshops, and an ESOL teaching module, complete with resources, was written for ESOL Tutors to incorporate into their English language classes. The team also produced guidance for participants in a mentoring programme, run as part of the project to introduce European citizens to new opportunities and contacts in their communities.
As the project progressed, the team built an extensive ‘Active Citizens Together’ network, comprising around 110 European citizens and over 250 others working with incomers, or wanting to support multi-ethnic integration. They received a series of newsletters and invitations to project events.
The project workshops were supported by many agencies wanting to engage with European citizens, including health; police; education and voluntary agencies, and by local councillors, who came to project events to talk to mobile European citizens about the importance of being politically aware and registering to vote.
Below you will find the resources developed and used throughout the project to help you continue to run aspects of the project locally, or just to find out more about it. Although the project is now complete, you can still contact us:
Sue Hay: / 07920 257964
Rachel Heathcock: / 01284 758311
Legacy Documents:
ACT Project Leaflets
Project Background
Active Citizens Together Project Leaflet - Partner Agencies.pdf
Resources for Workshops
evaluation form
End evaluation form.pdf
Certificate of Attendance.pdf
Resources for ESOL Module
Lesson plan with embedded handouts.docx
Resources for Mentoring
Mentoring Interest Form.pdf
Mentoring Programme.pdf
Mentoring Guide.pdf
Organisations Providing Active Citizen Opportunities
Bedfordshire organisations table
Cambridgeshire organisations table
Essex organisations table
Hertfordshire organisations table
Luton organisations table
Norfolk organisations table
Suffolk organisations table
Peterborough organisations table
Active Citizens Together Newsletter May 2016
Active Citizens Together Newsletter- September 2016
Active Citizens Together Newsletter - January 2017
Active Citizens Together Newsletter May 2017
Active Citizens Together Newsletter - September 2017