Our Work

Strategic Migration Partnerships (SMPs) are Local Government led partnerships funded by, but independent of, the Home Office, whose role is to coordinate and support delivery of national programmes in asylum and refugee schemes as well as agreed regional and devolved migration priorities. There are 12 SMP partnerships across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. The hosting arrangements for each partnership may differ depending on regional and national structures.
Find out moreThe Strategic Migration Partnership organises and runs a range of topical events for our members and their partner organisations.
Click on an individual event to find out more and to register to attend.
Asylum Seekers, Unaccompanied Minors11th March 2025
Human Rights Assessments and Working with Young People Who Are Appeals Rights Exhausted Training
This course is for Local Authority social workers/personal advisors/team managers/local authority legal teams...Read more -
28th March 2025
Psychological First Aid
This training is exclusively for colleagues that work with the Refugee & Asylum...Read more -
5th March 2025
Dealing with Vicarious Traumatisation and Burnout
This training is exclusively for colleagues that work with the Refugee & Asylum...Read more
Parallel Lives Project
Working across the region to identify Roma populations and work with public sector partners in these areas to build skills and share best practice to ensure that this marginalised community is given equal access to services and opportunities.
ELAINE Project
A partnership across EU countries at local council level to learn from one another how to meet the needs of newly arrived refugees.
ACT Project
A project to open opportunities for active citizenship to EU citizens living and working in the UK.
ACCESS Project
Cultural competence training for social care professionals working with and delivered by third country nationals.
EACH Project
Cultural competence training for health professionals working with and delivered by third country nationals.
Employability for Overseas Nationals (EON)
Support for overseas nationals to access the UK job market.
Wellbeing and Work for Refugees
The project is based on the principle that being economically active is the most significant step towards becoming integrated in UK society. This project is part funded by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. Making management of migration flows more efficient across the European Union.