UKRI research sites chosen
We are pleased to be working on a project funded through UKRI on health inequalities in migrant communities. There is more information here: EELGA SMP to participate in £2.4m project to support vulnerable communities – EELGA SMP
This joint project with Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), 2 universities in London plus local community groups GYROS Gyros | Immigration | England and Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign ( will research health inequalities in migrant communities whilst focusing specifically on housing, food & nutrition and access to a range of services.
The sites chosen were selected to include a range of migrant groups (Syrians, Afghans, Hong Kongers, Ukrainians as well as EU and non-EU communities). In addition they needed to cover a range of urban, rural and coastal locations. The sites selected are:
Essex: Colchester and Wethersfield
Norfolk: Norwich and Great Yarmouth
Suffolk: Ipswich and Lowestoft
Cambridgeshire: Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire and Peterborough City.
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire are not covered by this work.
Research work to train community researchers and map community assets will start in summer 2024.