Joint Statement by the Hong Kong Welcome Hubs Regarding Article 23 香港移民歡迎中心關於第23條的聯合聲明
The Hong Kong British National Overseas (BN(O)) Welcome Hubs are aware of the impact the news of the recent enactment of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance under Article 23 of the Basic Law in Hong Kong will have had on the BN(O) community across the UK. The Foreign Secretary issued the following statement regarding the new legislation on 19 March: Hong Kong national security legislation: UK statement - GOV.UK (
We continue to work closely with the BN(O) community and the UK Government to understand how the new legislation in Hong Kong could impact Hongkongers who have settled in the UK. If you, or BN(O) visa holders you support, are concerned or anxious about how the new legislation could impact them or their families, please contact your regional Welcome Hub. Any information received will be kept in confidence. Where individuals have concerns for their safety, they are advised to contact the police in the first instance. If you are planning to travel to Hong Kong, we encourage you to consult the latest travel advice ahead of your departure - Hong Kong (SAR of China) travel advice - GOV.UK (
The Welcome Hubs remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering the Welcome Programme to help BN(O)s build a new life in the UK.
香港英國國民(海外 )歡迎中心了解香港最近根據《基本法》第 23 條頒布《維護國家安全條例》的消息,將對英國各地的英國國民(海外)社群產生影響。 英國外交大臣於 3 月 19 日就此新法案發表以下聲明:Hong Kong national security legislation: UK statement - GOV.UK (
我們將繼續與英國國民(海外)人士和英國政府緊密合作,以了解香港這新法案將如何影響在英國定居的香港人。 如果您或您支持的英國國民(海外)簽證持有人對此新法案會對他們或其家人產生怎樣的影響感到擔心或焦慮,請聯絡您所在地區的歡迎中心。歡迎中心所收到的任何資訊將會保密。 如果任何人擔心他們的個人安全,建議他們先聯絡警方。如果您打算前往香港,我們建議您在出發前查閱最新的旅遊建議 - Hong Kong (SAR of China) travel advice - GOV.UK (
The Hong Kong British National Overseas (BN(O)) Welcome Hubs are aware of the impact the news of the recent enactment of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance under Article 23 of the Basic Law in Hong Kong will have had on the BN(O) community across the UK. The Foreign Secretary issued the following statement regarding the new legislation on 19 March: Hong Kong national security legislation: UK statement - GOV.UK (
We continue to work closely with the BN(O) community and the UK Government to understand how the new legislation in Hong Kong could impact Hongkongers who have settled in the UK. If you, or BN(O) visa holders you support, are concerned or anxious about how the new legislation could impact them or their families, please contact your regional Welcome Hub. Any information received will be kept in confidence. Where individuals have concerns for their safety, they are advised to contact the police in the first instance. If you are planning to travel to Hong Kong, we encourage you to consult the latest travel advice ahead of your departure - Hong Kong (SAR of China) travel advice - GOV.UK (
The Welcome Hubs remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering the Welcome Programme to help BN(O)s build a new life in the UK.
香港英國國民(海外 )歡迎中心了解香港最近根據《基本法》第 23 條頒布《維護國家安全條例》的消息,將對英國各地的英國國民(海外)社群產生影響。 英國外交大臣於 3 月 19 日就此新法案發表以下聲明:Hong Kong national security legislation: UK statement - GOV.UK (
我們將繼續與英國國民(海外)人士和英國政府緊密合作,以了解香港這新法案將如何影響在英國定居的香港人。 如果您或您支持的英國國民(海外)簽證持有人對此新法案會對他們或其家人產生怎樣的影響感到擔心或焦慮,請聯絡您所在地區的歡迎中心。歡迎中心所收到的任何資訊將會保密。 如果任何人擔心他們的個人安全,建議他們先聯絡警方。如果您打算前往香港,我們建議您在出發前查閱最新的旅遊建議 - Hong Kong (SAR of China) travel advice - GOV.UK (