The Cultural Awareness Hub Taster Session - Witchcraft and Spirit Possession

15th January 2024
14:00 - 14:30
Virtual – Microsoft Teams
Entry Fees

As part of the Cultural Awareness Hub launch, we are thrilled to offer a free taster session delivered by trainer, Jordan Alexander focusing on Abuse Linked to Accusation of Witchcraft and Spirit Possession.  Taster sessions will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about the hub and the workshops that will be delivered. Please join us and forward the registration link to relevant colleagues and teams in your organisation. We look forward to meeting you!

Information about the Trainer:

Jordan Alexander is National Chairperson leading the National Working Group for Abuse Linked to Accusation of Witchcraft and Spirit Possession, a forum created in 2011 by Parliament following reports of people being abused and even killed in the UK where spiritual or ritualistic methods were used. In 2023, just over two thousand children alone were reported as abused in this way, with Suffolk, Peterborough and Norfolk being some of the highest in the East of England region.

Jordan is also the Director of Safeguarding and Strategic Development for Palm Cove Society, and prior to this worked as a Detective Sergeant, policing in safeguarding for 20 across the UK.  He comes with an extensive experience of leading investigations and reports involving spiritual and ritualistic abuse, including accusations of witchcraft successfully, with safeguarding everyone always being a priority.

Audience: Everyone working with the Public

These workshops will not be recorded. Attendees will be asked to provide a testimonial for the website after attending the workshop.

If you have any queries please contact Rachel Heathcock, Project Manager, Equity and Equality , East of England LGA,


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