As part of the Cultural Awareness Hub launch, we are thrilled to offer our first free taster session delivered by one of our trainers, Bal Kaur Howard focusing on Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse. Taster sessions will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about the hub and the workshops that will be delivered. Please join us and forward the registration link to relevant colleagues and teams in your organisation. We look forward to meeting you!
Information about the Trainer:
Bal has been advocating on the issues of BME women and men on domestic violence, honour based crimes (Forced Marriage & Female Genital Mutilation) and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) since 2008. She has developed and delivers training for front-line practitioners in Health, Social Care, Police, Education and the voluntary sector throughout England and Wales in the subjects of Domestic Abuse, Risk Assessment, Honour Based Abuse, Forced Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation, Radicalisation / Extremism, Modern Day Slavery and Addiction.
Audience: Everyone working with the Public
These workshops will not be recorded. Attendees will be asked to provide a testimonial for the website after attending the workshop.
If you have any queries please contact Rachel Heathcock, Project Manager, Equity and Equality , East of England LGA,